Friday, March 16, 2007

Alright wordy people...

I did this activity in one of my classes today as a group-building activity, and led my group to massive victory. I know how obsessed some of you are with words, so I thought you'd get a kick out of it as well. No cheating!

Directions: Reduce these sentences to familiar proverbs.

1. A period of preeminence is passed through by each and every canine.
2. It is fruitless to be lachrymose because of scattered lacteal fluid.
3. Similar sire, similar scion.
4. Articles which coruscate are not fashioned from aureate metal; at least not necessarily.
5. Prodigality is produced by precipitancy.
6. Pulchritude does not penetrate the dermal plane.
7. It is not proper for mendicants to be indicative of preferences.
8. Your immature gallinaceans must not be calculated prior to their being produced.
9. A pterodactyl ungulate mammal may be addressed toward aqueous fluid, but it cannot be compelled to quaff.
10. It is fondness for notes of exchange that constitutes the tuberous structure of all satanically inspired principles.
11. Lithoidal fragments ought not to be hurled by tenants of vitreous abodes.
12. Beholden vessel never exceeds one hundred degrees Celsius.
13. A feathered creature clasped in the manual members is the equivalent, value-wise, of a brace of the bosky growth.
14. A detached fragment of the terrestrial lithosphere, whether of igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic origin, and whether acquiring its approximation of sphericity though hydraulic action or other attrition, when continuously maintained in motion about its temporary axis and with its velocity accelerated by an increase in the angle declivity, is, because of abrasive action produced by the incessant but irregular contact between its periphery and the contiguous terrain, effectively prevented from accumulating on its external surface an appreciable amount of the cryptogamous vegetation normally propagated in umbrageous situations under optimum conditions of undeviating atmospheric humidity, quiescence, and comparative sequestration from corrosive-erosive agencies.

Find the answers here

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