self portrait
My mother's body, head to toe. My father's coloring. My grandmother's forehead. A bit heavier than I used to be. Noticeably petite. Blue eyes, easy smile. Skin that has grown up a bit, but still shows the scars of adolescence. Tiny feet--the pinky toes curve in and under just a bit. Rounded face, dark blonde hair. Breasts that are small but full, proportionate to my frame.Precocious from the day I was born. Stubborn like my dad, emotive like my mom. Often irreverent, frequently affectionate. Love to eat, hate to work out. An affinity for crime drama and a weak spot for juvenile delinquents. Friend, daughter, sister, girlfriend. Graduate student. Crisis counselor extraordinaire. Blue vote. Red state. Joker, smoker, midnight toker. No more lovin on the run.
Big southern family. Big southern butt. Living in sin and loving it. College football is damn near close to religion. Pets are necessary, shoes are often not. Always dreaming, planning, waiting, for periodic somedays to arrive. They get here, I build new dreams, plans, wishes. Always around a boy or a cause or an image I have of myself being rich or lying on a beach or charging forth as an urban crusader. I've got an open heart and a capable mind and a million possibilities lying before me.
Always genuine. Mostly happy.