Friday, October 20, 2006

friday never felt so good

I've been completely stressed this week, with way too much to do and way too little time to do it. It seems that I'm rather enchanted at the moment, however, because everything seems to have fallen perfectly into place. Assignments got pushed back, my wonderful sister put herself aside for a moment to really help me out, and I've got a little extra time to get things done this afternoon before leaving town.

I'm going to Houston this weekend for National Conference for StandUp For Kids, and, now that I'm past the point of cursing it for being such an added stress, I'm really excited. I'll get to talk to Executive Directors of other programs that have been up and running for years, and hopefully come back with a better idea of how to make my own program a success. Besides, it'll be fun. Coming along with me are two of my favorite girls in the world, and generally the national staff of SUFK are a pretty fun bunch, if nothing else.

In other news, I schedule classes for my very last semester of undergrad this Sunday. I'm so freakin excited. I'm taking fifteen hours of the easiest classes I can manage. I really just want to fuck around and take a much-deserved break this last semester, and so that's what I'm going to do. It's going to be glorious.

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